Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Paulaner Hefeweizen


I tried this beer for the first time in 2011 from a representative while I was working at a restaurant. The delegate poured the beer upside down in the glass until the head was at the top. Apparently this was to allow the foam to draw out favors from the beer. For me, this just meant I had to wait longer to enjoy the ensuing inebriation. As far as my habits today go, I no longer make such a spectacle before drinking the beer, especially at home. For the taste of the beverage, and for those unfamiliar with hefeweizens, I would describe it as a medium beer somewhere between a heavy lager and an amber with an IPA base. While a traditional IPA can be described in part as having extremely hoppy notes, this beer is heavy in taste while being light in that bitter hop filled character. One thing that separates this Paulaner standby from its competitors is the light and crisp tone and aftertaste a drinker is presented with while consuming. 

Saturday, November 16, 2013

2011 Storyteller Red Blend

This blend from Sonoma County costs around 12 dollars and one of the more overrated wines we've tried recently. At 88 points and described with more fruits than it actually displays, the red was ultimately more dry and tart than we had anticipated or desired. 

Friday, November 15, 2013

2012 Chateau St. Michelle Pinot Gris

While this wine is self-described to be similar to a Pinot Grigio, it indeed has some spicier notes notes even with the fruity tannins and aroma. This actually allows the wine to couple well with darker meats like steaks in addition to traditional pairs like fish. 8 out of ten is the rating I would give vast on taste alone as it is completely drinkable with some fruity after tones that don't overwhelm. 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

2010 Apothic White Winemaker's Blend

Slightly fruity, this wine pairs well with most lighter meats and fruits. Refreshing and not dry or crisp, Apothic has scored another winner for me with a wine that boasts semi-complex flavors for an extremely reasonable price of around $10. While I would normally prefer something more bland such as a straight pinot grigio, my wife was pleasantly surprised by the wine because of the fruity tannins from a relatively inexpensive blend.

Shiner Bock

For me, this is the king of beers. Smooth, slightly refreshing, and still delicious when warm, Shiner pairs well with almost any food or even without the presence of other substances. Produced in Shiner, Texas, this beer has held its' own against the toughest imitators or smallest craft beers.

Jose Cuervo Especial Tequila Silver

I tried this as an upgrade from cheaper sliver tequilas which have less of a taste that cheap gold tequilas. When mixing, cheap silver tequilas don't interfere as much with margarita mixes as their golden counterparts. Specifically, this tequila left a weird metallic aftertaste in my mouth.

2010 Apothic Red Winemaker's Blend

I found this wine, Apothic Red, at Walmart and Kroger's for around $10. While an easily drinkable wine, what it lacked in depth and complex tannins, it made up in the ability to pair with most foods and was extremely smooth. While I prefer to drink something more creative in taste, my wife prefers this wine over others for the lack of dryness and bite.